Sometimes you may receive orders from the same customer with the same address. We have provided a function to allow you to combine these orders together to save on shipping costs.
First, we will need to create a tab to capture these orders, then we will combine the orders to create one shipment.
NOTE: If you already have a tab to filter out your same address orders, skip this step and continue with combining the shipment.
Create the Same Address tab #
From the left navigation panel, click on Orders, then click Tab Settings.
The Order List Tab will appear from the right side showing you what tabs have been created. Click the Create Tab button.
The Create Tab window will appear to do the following:
* Click on the Load from template drop down and select Same Address Orders
* Choose a font colour or leave as default (black)
* Click on the trash can icon to delete the criteria line
* Click the Create button
Your Same Address tab is now added to the Order List Tab and to the tab menu area.
Combine same address orders #
After creating the Same Address tab, click on it to see how many orders need to be combined. In the below image the system will highlight the first set of same addresses in blue, the next set will be white, and so on to help you distinguish the addresses.
To begin combining your orders to create a single shipment, select the first set of orders, then click the Combine Shipment button.
The Combine Shipment window will appear for you to confirm the Ship From Address, Ship To Address and mark the shipment with any tags you require. Click the Confirm button once you are ready.
NOTE: If you have multiple Ship To Addresses showing, this is because you have selected orders that have different addresses.
You will be directed to Open Shipments where your shipment has been created. If you click on the Show Orderlines toggle button, you’ll see the 3 order numbers that were selected from the Same Address tab which are now combined into one shipment.