Selecting the Orders tab from the left-panel menu will automatically open Open Orders. Here, you will find all of the orders you have received through each sales channel or marketplace integrated with EIZ. The orders will be shown in various stages of Progress, from paid, to whether shipment has been created, or to whether a tracking number has been provided.

Each order contains a unique Sales Record Number (SRN), the Order Date, the Order Stage, which may be manually changed from the dropdown, the order Progress (as mentioned above), the sales Channel or marketplace the order came from, as well as the Customer’s name, address and Contact information, including Tags if applicable (usually containing information about Shipping Dimensions, if available). These fields are all automatically populated by EIZ upon pulling orders from your integrated sales channels and marketplaces.

The columns can also be hidden or viewable to allow you to see less or more of the information you need in the Open Orders section. You can do this by clicking on the blue edit icon on the right as shown below in red, then check or uncheck the columns listed and click Confirm.

You can also show the orderlines of each order by clicking on the Show Orderlines toggle button as shown below in red. This will expand the orders to show the orderlines.
This setting can also be set by default by going to Settings > Preferences > Order Preferences > click the Show orderlines by default toggle.

EIZ can be used to track, organize and manage all of your orders from each sales channel and marketplace, and to further process Shipment and Fulfillment of your orders.
Here are a few simple functions to begin with
Click the checkbox to select an individual order.

To select all your orders, click on the bulk select checkbox, then you can use any of the bulk functions to make changes to all orders selected such as, Create Shipment, Combine Shipment or Bulk Update / Edit.

Change the order stage of an order by clicking the 3 dots and selecting one of the folders to move the order into. These folders are seen on the left side menu of your screen.

After selecting multiple orders, hover over the Bulk Update/Edit menu to perform actions for the orders selected.

Open orders is helpful if you are still using your other sales channels or marketplaces (e.g. eBay, Amazon, Shopify, etc.) to handle Shipment and Fulfillment, but as mentioned, this can also be quickly and efficiently handled by EIZ Fulfillment. Up to this stage, you have learned the very basics of using Orders. Congratulations!
In order to better track, organize, and manage your orders, the next article will discussĀ Tabs; what they are and how to use them. This feature will give you more power when it comes to managing all the orders you see under Open Orders, especially if you are a high-volume business that wants to reduce time, improve efficiency and productivity. Tabs provide an effortless way to group orders by a single feature, or several features. For instance, filter by sales channel or marketplace, shipping address, customer, order stage (whether the order has been paid, or awaiting payment), and much more.