How to integrate CIN7

To integrate CIN7 to Shipmarvel, you’ll first need to obtain your CIN7 API username and API key by following the steps below.

  1. Log into Cin7 with your admin login.
  2. Click on your username in the top right corner of the screen and select the Settings option in the drop-down.
  3. Click on Integrations & API.
  4. Make a note of the ID and Key as you will need to copy these into Shipmarvel
  5. Change any other settings as desired then click Save.

Now that you have your CIN7 API details, follow the next steps to integrate into Shipmarvel.

1. Login to Shipmarvel > Integrations > Channels > click the Add more Store icon:

2. Locate the CIN7 icon and click Select:

3. Enter in your CIN7 details and click Next:

Once you have successfully integrated CIN7, go back to the Integrations section in Shipmarvel and you should now see your CIN7 integration added – ensure that the Syncing toggle is turned on:

NEXT STEPS? Check the New Orders section to see if any of your orders start syncing through

REMINDER: Don’t forget to integrate your carrier/s to generate your shipping labels for your orders.

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